The act of making your home more comfortable, efficient, healthy.

Re-introduce your home to efficiency and earn Rebates.

Our goal is to make your home more comfortable and help you take advantage of rebates that are available to you. Our clients frequently make money back from our services.

How it works

Every home has room for improvement. New and old homes, alike, are all too often neglected when it comes to energy efficiency, health, and comfort. As a builder, we have adopted better building practices to make subtle improvement measures that yield vast returns to a home’s quality of life.

TVA EnergyRight has made it easy for Tennesseans to affordably make improvements to their homes and Greenwood BAM has created a way to make it accessible to all.

That is why we have created the re-fficiency program. Whether you have recently purchased a new home or have been living in it for decades, this applies to you.

It’s Simple.

  1. Contact us for a free evaluation.

  2. Choose which improvements you are ready to make, we do the work.

  3. Receive a rebate check directly from TVA EnergyRight.

Almost every home will qualify and benefit from this example.

TVA Rebate - Cost of Service = Money in your pocket

For Example

Air Sealing Rebate($300) - Service ($250) = $50 Profit

  • Insulation - Upgrade or Replacement

  • HVAC - Eligible new or upgraded systems

  • Duct Sealing - Powerful lifetime improvement to any HVAC system

  • Air Sealing - Block loss of conditioned air, pests, pollens, noise, dust

  • Windows - Reduce heat gain and leaks from old windows.

Learn more directly from TVA EnergyRight.