Greenwood BAM

Never fail the blower door test.

AeroBarrier seals gaps & invisible air leaks.
An airtight structure provides you healthier air quality, greater thermal comfort, and energy savings you’ll enjoy.

We are a proud partner for AeroBarrier. As builders, we have experienced, first hand, the difference in properly sealing a home. Most homes naturally have the equivalent of a full window being left wide open year round. Sealing the “envelope” of a home lets you choose when the window opens and shuts.

Save Time

  • Typically in and out within 4-5 hours

  • Meet code requirements the first time

  • Airtight in hours instead of days/weeks

Resume Work the Same Day

Resume all work 30 minutes after the sealant process is complete.

Air Sealing - A Crucial Step in Home Energy Efficiency

Air sealing a home is a crucial step in improving its energy efficiency and overall comfort. By identifying and reducing air leaks, air sealing prevents the unwanted exchange of indoor and outdoor air. It effectively seals cracks, gaps, and openings throughout the home to ensure that conditioned air stays inside, while keeping drafts, moisture, and pollutants out. This process not only helps maintain a consistent indoor temperature but also reduces the workload on heating and cooling systems, ultimately leading to energy savings. Additionally, air sealing enhances indoor air quality by minimizing the infiltration of allergens, dust, and pollutants, promoting a healthier living environment for the occupants. Overall, air sealing plays a vital role in enhancing the comfort, energy efficiency, and sustainability of a home.